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Fourth of July Is Independence Day

Independence Day also known as 4th of July is the birthday of the United States of America. It is celebrated on July 4th each year in the United States. It is the anniversary of the day on which the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress - July 4, 1776. The day they announced to the world that the 13 colonies no longer belonged to Great Britain. Independence Day was first observed in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776.

On July 4, 1777, the night sky of Philadelphia lit up with the blaze of bonfires. Candles illuminated the windows of houses and public buildings. Church bells rang out load, and cannons were shot from ships breaking the silence. 

The city was celebrating the first anniversary of the founding of the United States.

  • The Fourth of July soon became the main patriotic holiday of the entire country. Veterans of the Revolutionary War made a tradition of gathering on the Fourth to remember their victory. In towns and cities, the American flag flew; shops displayed red, white, and blue decorations; and people marched in parades that were followed by public readings of the Declaration of Independence. In 1941, Congress declared July 4 a federal legal holiday
          • Fun Facts About Independence Day

            • There were around 2.5 million people living in the United States when independence was declared in 1776. Today there are well over 300 million people in the country.
            • John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both presidents and signers of the Declaration of Independence, died on the 50 year anniversary on July 4, 1826. President James Monroe also died on July 4th and President Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4th.
            • The Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta, GA is a 10k running race held every year on this day.
            • Each year there is a famous hot dog eating contest at Coney Island, New York. Around 40,000 people show up to watch and millions watch it on TV. In 2011 the winner was Joey Chestnut who ate 62 hot dogs in ten minutes.
            • The longest running celebration is said to be the Bristol Fourth of July Parade in Rhode Island which as been running since 1785.
            • One of the more popular celebrations to watch on TV is the music and fireworks show put on by the Boston Pops Orchestra.


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