К основному контенту


          Choose the correct answer in the quiz about the UK.

1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

a) Great Britain    b) England         c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


2.      How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

a) four                       b) three               c) two


3. What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Manchester             b) Edinburgh      c) Cardiff


4. What  is the  capital   of Wales?

a) Edinburgh                b) Cardiff    c) Liverpool       

 5.        What   is  the  capital  of Northern Ireland?

a) Cardiff                     b) Dublin                   c) Belfast


6. What is the state system of the United Kingdom? 

a) a constitutional monarchy            b) a parliamentary republic    с) a province

 7. What is  the symbol  of the   United Kingdom?

a) a bald eagle             b) Britannia               c) a rose

 8.  What is the name of the British national Flag?

a) the Union Jack        b) the Saint Andrew's Cross     c) the Saint David's Cross

 9. What is the emblem of England?

a) a shamrock               b) a red rose                                c) a leek

 10. What is the emblem of Scotland?

a) a daffodil                   b) a dragon                        c) a thistle

 11.  What are the emblems of Wales?

a) a shamrock, a clover and hand               b) a   rose   and   the   Saint George's cross

                                                     c) a dragon, a daffodil, a leek

12.    What is the emblem of Northern Ireland?

a) a shamrock             b) a red rose                   c) a thistle


13.      Where does the British Prime Minister live and work?

a) at 10 Downing Street                b) in the Houses of Parliament  c) in Buckingham Palace

 14. What is the fastest way to cross the  English Channel?

a)   through   the   Channel   Tunnel                  b) by car                  c) by ferry


15.    What is the most impor­tant airport in Great Britain?    

a)  Heathrow Airport              b) Gatwick Airport             c) Stansted Airport

 16.    What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?

a) 16                              b) 13                       c) 18

 17.    Which of the following stages of British education is not obligatory?

a) nursery school                    b) primary school         secondary school


18.    What is the top boarding  school in Great Britain?

a) Chiswick Community School            b) Eton             c) Harrow


19.    What universities have the highest academic reputation in the United Kingdom ?

      a)Oxford  University and Cambridge University       b)London University and Bristol University                          c)Red-brick universities

20.      What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

a)the Tower of London                     b)Windsor Castle               c) Buckingham Palace

   21.     Where is   Nelson's Column situated?

a)in Parliament Square   b)  in Trafalgar                   c) in Piccadilly Circus    

 22.     Where  are   British kings crowned?  

a) in St. Paul's Cathedral             b)in Westminster Abbey  c) in Canterbury Cathedral

 23.     Who was the architect of St. Paul's Cathedral in London?

a)Sir Christopher Wren           b) Edward Bailey            c) Henry Tare

 24.    The ravens are a famous sight, of....

a) the Tower of London                b) London zoo          c) Covent Garden


25.    Scottish surnames begin with....
a) O'             b) Mac or Me                               c) de

 26.   What is the Scottish national costume for men?

а)the tuxedo                             b) the bearskin               с) the kilt


27.     What lake does  a famous Scottish monster live in?

a) Lough Erne                          b) Lough Lomond           c) Loch Ness


28. What is the most famous sport event in Scotland?

  a)the Highland Games         b)       the   Commonwealth Games   c)the Wimbledon Championship


29. What do they celebrate in Britain on 5th November?

a)  Halloween  b) Guy Fawkes Night c) St. Patrick's Day

 30) What is  Boxing Day?

a) a big boxing competition? b) a day to take out all the unwanted boxes c)  a day of giving gifts at Christmas time



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